By now you may have at least two platforms that are actions.
1.Your Owned Asset-Your blog website
2. Your third party primary platform of your choice. Either now or in the future, you may have more than this by adding in additional platforms.
This is a small example of primary platforms that you may consider for your business.
- Tik-Tok
- Facebook Stories
- YouTube
- Facebook Group, etc.
Introducing Link Tree
A link tree is a simple webpage that you get a link for that can then be added to your bios on our social media profiles or other assets in a simple way. This is a couple of examples: Blog Website, Team Website, Shop My Merchandise, and contact my manager. At this point on my journey, I am determining my platform. I am looking at several platforms now. Let me know what your platform is, and how things are going with you?
Hi Jesse,
Thanks for sharing. I am considering using Facebook Ads and Tik Tok.
Hope you will choose your platform soon. All the best!
Alan Lim recently posted…My Blog Got Blacklisted and How I Almost Lost Hundreds of Dollars
Hi Alan: Thank you for sharing as well. I am also considering using Facebook. I hope the next time we chat, I will have chosen my platform. Talk to you later. Jesse L. Nash
I am thinking of TikTok, but would have preferred to start with YouTube as I am more familiar.
But from the little bit of research I’ve done, it looks like TikTok may be the best to start with as likely you will get more views.
I need to decide in the next few days! Look forward to seeing what you decide.
Eleanor Hope recently posted…Facing Your Fears in Stormy Weather
Hi Eleanor: Thanks for your comment about TikTok. I think this one is good for you, however I havn’t decided as yet on mine.
Anything you put on you tube can be transferred to Tik Tok. A 2-fer!!