Video Content and What About You?

Don’t let your fear of what others will think of you keep you from making a video. Some months ago my assistant got me set up to do videos on TikTok. I made a few and I didn’t like how I was looking. I had bags under both eyes and I did not like my hairstyle. So my assistant helped me make PowerPoint presentations and I read them in my videos and that worked out better for me because I did not have to show my face. However since then Dean Holland introduced a simple way to do the affiliate marketing business using your owned assest (your blog). I fell in love with the owned assest because it made alot of sense and eliminated alot of extra work.

There are many benfits of doing video and I plan to get back to it very soon and stay with it until I get real good at it. I don’t care what other people think or say about me because they are not helping me pay my bills.

When you do videos you create alot of attention. When I did my TikTok videos I did get alot of likes which was great. The only person that can stop you from doing videos is you.

You will not like your first videos, but don’t let that stop you.

Set your goal and just do it.

Your future will someday reward you with your better life, because you did not quit.

Remember the old saying a loser will always fail, but a winner never quits. If you are a winner you will not quit. Winners never quit and quittrs never win. Do what you fear and your fear will disappear.

Every person on the internet is a stranger to you. Don’t allow people to stop you from moving forward and doing what you need to do. When you draw attention to what you are saying, it will get you what you want.

Your owned asset (your blog) has value for others, but if no one knows it exists, all that value goes unrealized and benefit nobody. Plus you cannot generate income. That’s where your work and effort comes in. It gets you traffic (people).

In other words, you must get attention by getting in front of the right kind of people. Mr. Dean Holland showed his first video, and it wasn’t good, but he didn’t stop there. He kept on doing videos until one day he got much better and that is what I’m going to do. Stay in touch and let me know what you decided to do.

12 thoughts on “Video Content and What About You?”

  1. Ain’t that the truth – that the only person that can stop you from doing videos is you. I much better like the idea of doing up a power point presentation and talking about that – but yes, it is time to face my fear and put in the consistent effort of publishing head-shot video. I wish you well in your efforts.
    Robert Klein recently posted…Truth Be KnownMy Profile

    1. Hi Robert: Thank you for your comment. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. I was told sometime ago that the definition of fear is “False Evidence Appearing Real”

  2. Jesse, I felt the same and I still do about going on video. Its something I plan to do in the next couple of weeks and so I am pretty terrified. However I have to do it. It’s just something that you have to do just be natural. Be yourself like you met somebody in the supermarket or at a friends house or at work. Act normally behave normally it shouldn’t be a problem. It’s when people try too hard or start acting or something like that is where it looks force. As long as you’re authentic And honest and I don’t think you have anything to worry about thanks, Atif

    1. Hi Atif: That information you shared is great information. I am not going to imagine things in my head and not do videos. I am going to press on and get them done. I know I’ll get better and better as time moves forward.

  3. I think we are all more critical of ourselves than others are – of course in this day and age there are always trolls who are just looking to hurt people so they can get a reaction – and we’ve all got to learn just to ignore those people.

    But video definitely has the ability to help us connect others in a way nothing else can online.

  4. Jesse,

    I agree, we need to push through the fear of doing video. Recently, I was studying a book on YouTube and one on video frameworks, both of them gave the same advice. Create your first 100 videos on any topic as quickly as possible. They went on to say, don’t worry about publishing them. The theory is after the 100 videos you will have learned so much and improved that you will be much further ahead than when you started.

    The question is how do you come up with a 100 video ideas? To start sit down and make a list of everything you like to do. Start of with 25 and keep going till you reach 100.

    This is a process I am going to be doing for my Youtube channel.

    Have a great day!

    1. Hi CJ: Thank you for your comment about doing videos. I am going to follow your lead in doing 100 videos. I think that is an excellent approach. I agree that after 100 videos I will have learned so much that will benefit me greatly.

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